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The adrenal cocktail is use to describe a mixed drink containing a few key nutrients needed for optimal adrenal function. When combatting stress either it’s day to day or chronic and intense, the adrenals need proper nutrients to release adequate hormones at the correct time. This is the key to handle your stress better.

After stress has become too chronic or ill managed, the adrenals have difficulty producing the correct response.

While you may hear this described as Adrenal Fatigue, the term is a bit misleading. The adrenals do not actually get “wore out”, but instead it actually is a communication issue. With hormones, we need them working in harmony together, to create a beautiful symphony.  If one element is off- it can throw off the whole harmony and this is what we see happening with people who are experiencing adrenal/ stress related issues.

This condition is now being termed HPA axis dysfunction.

Personally, I do actually like the term adrenal fatigue as I think is clearly represents how a person feels. Regardless of what you choose to term it, since the names are used interchangeably- the result remains the same. The adrenals need proper specific nutrients to function well.

This posts talks more specifically about what habits lead to this dysfunction and how you can work to recover.

Vitamin C



These nutrients found richly in the food we eat, yet we should be cautiously aware that some of these foods can be high in sugars- which works in drastic opposition to nourishing the adrenals. People who tend to be suffering from adrenal fatigue often also struggle with balancing blood sugar. These recipes are designed to specifically be gentle on the blood sugar curve by using low glycemic fruit (strawberries) adding in fiber (pulp) or protein (collagen) + fat (cream). Sodium is added via sea salt. Potassium sources being cream of tartar and sugar free coconut water.

One you have a full understanding of what exactly crafts a perfect adrenal cocktail, the sky is the limit for your creativity.

Adrenal cocktails 3 ways:

Strawberries & Cream
Classic Orange
Coconut Lime Refresher

Frozen Strawberries & Cream

Blended red drink surrounded by strawberries with a second drink in the background

Let’s let the strawberries headline as the Vitamin C powerhouse they are. 

Frozen Strawberries + Cream Adrenal Cocktail 

1 c frozen strawberries
3/4c pure coconut water
pinch of cream of tartar
pinch of sea salt
1 tsp coconut cream or heavy cream
squeeze fresh citrus

Blend in a high speed blender and enjoy 

Oranges are always getting all the attention for their vitamin C content- when strawberries actually contain more vitamin C, are packed with fiber and have a lower glycemic index.

Classic Orange

Who needs it: Chronically stressed women 
When to drink it: mid morning, mid afternoon
What to expect: clearer head, ability to respond to stress APPROPRIATELY 

1/2 c pulp filled orange juice 
1/2 c coconut water (no sugar added)
pinch sea salt
1 scoop of collagen 
2 tsp coconut or heavy cream 

Mix well with milk frother 

The elements of collagen and cream are reflective of the high sugar nature of orange juice. 

The pulp is added for more fiber benefits to the longevity of the blood sugar curve. 

You pay pair this best with other foods, or if your blood sugar is very sensitive, stick to the other two recipes. 

While this is a trendy recipe, it also needs stated that drinking adrenal cocktails alone will not produce long lasting healing of your stress related illness. 

Proper sleep, hydration, digestion, and blood sugar balance cannot be ignored or replaced by a yummy drink.

Coconut Lime Refresher

The last in this series and what I would say is the easiest to make, also low in sugar being gentle and the best choice for those with blood sugar issues

Juice of 1 lime
4 oz pure coconut water 
Pinch sea salt
Pinch of cream of tartar (optional)
Sparkling water to taste
Sprig of mint if you’re fancy. 

It is super fresh tasting and can be a great afternoon pick me up, that can help you handle your stress better.

I specialize in helping exhausted stressed to women move from overstimulation to a peaceful quiet mind.

For more personalized help to handle stress better, set up a call and we can talk about what your best first steps would be.

Looking forward to speaking with you.


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overhead shot of colorful drinks labels drink this to handle stress better