

For everything pertaining to mental health nutrition and it’s relationship to stress, lifestyle habits, and sleep quality. Find the secrets to a simple peaceful life and a quiet mind. 


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How to know if you’re a stressed out sugar burner

How to know if you’re a stressed out sugar burner

As a nutritional therapist, one of the most common irregularities I see is the reliance on sugar and caffeine for energy. Listen up, sugar is not a dependable energy source. Sugar brings quick energy- but it burns out fast. A few misinformed choices, and you spend...

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How to build a balanced meal

How to build a balanced meal

I would have failed as a nutritionist if I never taught you exactly how to build a balanced meal. This will be essential in going forward that you understand the role of different nutrients.  This will help with your decisions in food choices from grocery...

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Which organic or gluten/grain free cereal is best?

Which organic or gluten/grain free cereal is best?

I tested out 7 different organic or grain free cereals so that you didn't have to! Read on to find out which organic or gluten/grain free cereal was the best, which you should leave on the shelf. As I walked down the Costco aisle making my way to the peanut butter,...

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Drink this drink to handle your stress better

Drink this drink to handle your stress better

The adrenal cocktail is use to describe a mixed drink containing a few key nutrients needed for optimal adrenal function. When combatting stress either it’s day to day or chronic and intense, the adrenals need proper nutrients to release adequate hormones at the...

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How to teach your child healthy balanced eating

How to teach your child healthy balanced eating

Teaching your children how to eat healthy and in balance Many parents would agree they want their child to eat a healthy balanced diet. But what if you don't really understand what that means? How can you teach your child balanced eating if you don't understand it. So...

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About Leana 

I married my highschool crush and we’re now a family of 5. I have a great big love for big dogs, black coffee, and really good food. I’m so glad you’re here. Join me and others just like you as we take time to prioritize and nourish our bodies, simplify and rest, and restore our quiet mind and peaceful spirit.