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Self sabotage + breaking bad habits 
Are you consistently at war against well.. yourself?

You have a plan to make your new habits sustainable, but then…
It’s after dinner and you KNOW you don’t actually want to eat 5 Kit-Kats- yet there you are, stuffing the wrappers under the rest of the garbage so no one else will see them.

And you know you’ve done this before.

Step 1, for creating new habits is a plan of course.

But what happens when you’re standing in your own way- again? How can you fight yourself when your enemy knows so much about you- including all of your weaknesses?

There are two sides of your brain- each with their own set of interests. When you can dissect these two sides and see them as they truly are- you can DECIDE which one to listen to- and not default to whoever is the loudest. 

This results in you taking action or inaction in line with what your true self truly wants or needs

side of girl wearing blue sitting on edge of bed with an open book on the bed in front of her

Your HIGHER brain VS your PRIMITIVE brain

Your higher brain is in the prefrontal cortex where your actual thinking comes from- this is your decision makerYour primitive brain is your survival brain. This part of your brain works tirelessly to keep you safe, alive, and breathing. 

Your primitive brain’s motivators + goals

  • Avoid pain
  • Seek pleasure
  • Conserve energy

This side of your brain is getting you to seek:

  • Warmth
  • Connection
  • Happiness 

 At the root of all this is dopamine- because we want to feel good.

However this side of your brain does not execute, it doesn’t actually make the decision. It may influence a decision, or suggest an idea- but it does not pull the trigger. That is the work of your higher brain- and your higher brain is responsible for breaking old habits.

 The only thing that will override our desire for comfort (survival) is the desire for what our higher brain wants more.

Your higher brain’s motivators and goals

  •  Plans for your future self
  • Seeks growth and development
  • Has your own deep desires in mind
  • Looks for long term pleasure
  • CommittedMakes decisions

Both sides of the brain are equally important, yet they do NOT have the same motivators and goals. 

For example, your higher brain knows your afternoon walk helps to ground you and you will get Vitamin D exposure from going outside. Your higher brain knows future you wants the habit of staying active and knows that your dog will be more relaxed this evening when it’s time to settle in. Your primitive brain knows that it is cold out, reminds you that you have household work to auto-pilot through, that you skipped walking 3x last week already, and everything was fine.

When you can decipher the two sides you can hear your higher brain more clearly. Your primitive brain is very augmentative and I’ve found most people find it easier to simply not give it a chance to speak. Turn into a robot, and stick to your commitment. The easier and more automatic you make your decisions, the more likely you’re going to be able to see them through. 

Use your higher brain to plan ahead.  

coffee cup on edge of desk. girl at the desk writing with candle burning in background

You want to stop eating cereal for breakfast?
Quit buying it. 

You want to stop swinging into Starbucks for a frappe every weekday?

-Prep your coffee the night before at home

 You want to journal 1x a week?
 -Pick a time, schedule it in, set a reminder for that time slot

 Take the question out of the equation- it’s automatic. 
 We all love simplicity.

Comment below and tell me your current old habit that is giving you the hardest time. 

Best, Leana

Photo: Stealing Magnolia

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desk with coffee cup planner and computer on it